This article is more than 1 year old

How have the BBC, Rovio and more put serverless to work?

Join us in November to find out

Events If you want to know how the likes of the BBC, Rovio, and the financial sector have benefited from the next wave in cloud technology, you should join us in November at our Serverless Computing London conference.

We'll be taking a three-day dive into Functions, Lambda and more, with a speaker lineup spanning practitioners, thought leaders and prime developers of key serverless technologies. All of them will be focusing on how the technology works in the real world. And right now tickets are still at early bird prices.

Jacob Clark will be describing the benefits of adopting serverless at the BBC - including writing 60 per cent less code during the development of new products.

Rovio's Marcia Villalba will talk about the planning and implementation involved in the company's migration of a legacy VOD service to serverless.

And Paul Johnston will discuss the impact of serverless on the cloud in general and on technical and IT departments.

Other topics include deep dives on key technologies, including Lambda, Azure Functions, OpenFaas and OpenWhisk, as well as security, testing, and much much more. And we have optional day-three workshops on Kubeless, OpenWhisk and AWSLambda.

Early bird tickets for both the conference and workshops expire in a week, so if you want to get ahead of Serverless before the competition, act now. ®

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