This article is more than 1 year old

Ever get the impression a telesales op was being held prisoner?

Hard cell: Just got to shift two hundred more toner cartridges and I'm FREE

Have you ever had the impression that a telesales operator on the phone to you was actually being held prisoner against their will?

Well, next time they might very well be because the unlucky inmates of HM Prison Grampian, Peterhead, are about to be put to work in a custom-built call centre.

The new prison replaces two old slammers and comes complete with its very own call centre, which is part of a new training facility designed to help inmates find work after they are released.

According to the Beeb, the "telephone marketing centre" will prepare convicts for a better life.

The training should give prisoners a clue about the sort of existence they can expect after leaving prison as rehabilitated and free model citizens.

Although crime doesn't pay, we suspect call centres don't pay very much either. ®

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