This article is more than 1 year old

Canadian Vultures shave bare for winter

Perhaps they don't understand this 'winter' thing...

For those of you unaware, Movember is a movement to raise awareness and funding for men's cancer research during the month of November. Participants grow moustaches for the duration of the month to raise awareness and encourage others to donate to their Movember team.

Two of your El Reg team as well as a number of VMware community members are taking part this year in the Podcasting for Cancer Movember team.

Podcasting for Cancer was started in September by the VMware community to raise funds for cancer research. Podcasting for Cancer set an initial goal of $5000 wherein members of the VMware community would participate in podcasts and webexes on behalf of individuals who sponsored the Indiegogo campaign.

Podcasting for Cancer has managed to raise over $10,000 with only five days left in the campaign. So .. the Podcasting for Cancer team decided to tackle Movember as well.

Josh Movember 2013

Josh Folland, embracing the first of Movember

Your El Reg Movember team spent all of October growing their beards just to shave them off at the beginning of November and have fresh pink baby faces to grow their Movember moustache*.

Please consider donating to the Podcasting for Cancer Movember group, the Indiegogo campaign, or even growing your own moustache. The VMware community on Twitter raised more than $10,000. Let's see what the readers of Vulture Central can do.

Trevor Movember 2013

Trevor Pott, no less crazy for the lack of hair

And don't forget to litter the comments with suggestions about what styles of facial hair your El Reg team should grow. ®

* This is the first time in over a decade that I have not sported facial hair of some type. Maybe shaving off all of my hair right before the first major snowfall of the year was not a good plan.

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