This article is more than 1 year old

Star Wars: The Old Republic

In a galaxy far, far away...

Dark times be comin'

When it comes to allegiance, I always felt it better to stick with the dark side to stay true to my black heart. I make every choice as spitefully and viciously as possible to rack up those dark side points.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Fixed in front

One major disappointment was the lack of roaming from mobs – they just seemed to wait around in groups to be slaughtered. Now where is the fun in that? Being able to AoE loot bodies was really helpful, though who wants to pick their way through a pile of corpses? Be sure to keep an eye out for oft times well hidden datacrons, for welcome stat increases. The Old Republic is divided up into planets and other celestial bodies. While I can't visit any planet I like early on, I can later with the help of a starship (along with my lame ass droid) that I will obtain during my main quest. Watch out for contested worlds in PVP servers, as these can make the missions extremely hard if you're not accompanied by your friends.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Red guy district

There is vast and epic scale for creating completely different atmospheres on the varied planets of the Star Wars universe, which made me question: why they are all so samey? In essence, if you've seen one city you seen them all.

Once I get to level 10 I get to specialise and open up my skill tree and customise my character. I chose to be a sniper. This gives me three the skill trees, Lethality, Engineering and Marksmanship. Plus one per cent marksmanship for one skill point seems a ludicrously small increase, so much that it didn't seem to make any difference in combat. In retrospect sniper class isn't the most powerful class to choose and I often felt like I was missing out not having a light sabre or force lightning at my disposal.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Swamp thing...

To commit to this game you have to pay attention to Crew skills and make sure to read about their different synergies before making your decision. I chose cyber tech for my crafting skill and then salvaging and underworld trading to obtain the materials I needed to build amour mods and upgrades, which I could use for myself or sell on the global marketplace.

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