This article is more than 1 year old

National Air Traffic Services lands desktop virtualisation

Head of IS swoops in to explain how

Interview You think you have a stressful job? Try Gavin Walker. He’s the man in charge of the tech and comms infrastructure (Head of Information Solutions) at NATS, the artist formerly know as National Air Traffic Service Control Services. Yes, the people who know where all the planes are over the Atlantic and the UK.

We went to the NATS Hampshire HQ to chat to Gavin about his recent virtualisation project. He tells us about managing all aspect of virtualising thousands of truly business critical machines, from the technical planning to the management of his users’ expectations and the changes in culture required to make the project a success.

In this first video Gavin talks through the scale and approach to the challenge

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In this second video he gets more into the nitty gritty of the technologies involved in the project.

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