This article is more than 1 year old

The A to B of building supercomputers

Top500 here we come

SC10 What does it take to design and build a supercomputer big enough to enter the Top500 list?

We beamed live from the SC10 show in New Orleans two weeks ago with some people who explained what it takes to take a supercomputer from a glint in someone's eye into the Top500 list. Now, the recorded version of that particular treat is available.

The glint in this instance started in the eye of NERSC, (US National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center), who buy supercomputers, and their partners in the initiative, AMD and Cray. They explain how they design, build and fund these massive systems.

They discuss how they try to conform to energy, facility and budget limitations while committing to milestones that challenge some of the brightest brains in the industry. If you'd like to understand the process and learn the ins and outs of large-scale HPC this is well worth the time.

You can view the supercomputing webcast here.

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