This article is more than 1 year old

Man turns finger into storage

The bloke with storage at his fingertips - literally

The line between man and machine is now slightly more blurry, thanks to one Finnish bloke’s decision to replace a missing digit with a USB Flash drive.


Jerry Jalava's prosthetic finger hides a USB Flash drive inside

Jerry Jalava, a software developer from Helsinki, had the top part of his finger amputated after a motorbike accident last year. However, he’s since replaced it with a prosthetic finger that slips over the remaining bit of member and which has a tiny USB Flash drive hidden inside.


He's got up to 2GB of storage literally at his fingertip

Accessing the drive is a little grim though, because the nail section of Jalava’s fake finger folds back to reveal the drive itself. This can then be slotted into a PC’s USB port while still being worn.

The finger USB has a 2GB storage capacity, but Jalava’s already said that he’s thinking about upgrading the phony finger to include a greater amount of storage and wireless technology, such as RFID.


Nail polish isn't an option

Perhaps he’d also like to consider turning his finger into the world’s first NFC-enabled e-wallet digit? ®

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