This article is more than 1 year old

The role of the application platform

Where’s yours going?

The application platform (as described here) has become a reality for a decent proportion of the El Reg audience, but what is not so clear yet is where it’s all going, or if it’s going anywhere at all. Simply having an application platform in place is an achievement; even more so given the concept isn’t solidly ‘baked’ yet, so the effort is more down to the organisation implementing, rather than the provider.

With this in mind, where’s it all heading? Is the application platform a start point for bigger and better things which need the application platform as a foundation? Or is it the end in itself – an overdue consolidation of technology, skills and investment to streamline custom application delivery and management?

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this, in the usual manner in this super quick poll below...

Reader Poll

Where are you up to with application platforms?

Nowhere – not interested
Still thinking about it but likely to move forwards
It's in progress – 'project planning stage'
It's in progress – 'technical development / build' stage
It's a done deal, and in use day to day

And where’s it all heading?

An application platform is simply the start of something bigger for us - it's a foundation
Getting to the point of having an application platform in place is our primary goal
We don't yet know if the platform itself is the goal, or just a milestone on the way to something bigger
Other - please state:


Which of the following best describes the organisation you work in?

Educational establishment
Public Sector (non education)
IT products or services vendor
Company with more than 5000 employees
Company with 250 to 4999 employees
Company with 50 to 249 employees
Company with 10 to 49 employees
Company with fewer than ten employees
None of the above - please specify

Which of the following best describes your role?

Business management
Business professional
General IT management
Management of development/integration
Management of operations function
Systems architect or designer
Operations specialist
Other - please specify

Which of the following best sums up the attitude to IT in your organisation?

An important contributor of business value
A positive enabler of operational efficiency
A necessary but burdensome cost
A complete waste of money

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