This article is more than 1 year old

Down with secular ringtones

Christian service offers enlightened irritants

Gold River Productions has launched a Christian Ringtones service, using the annoyance of a ringing phone to spread the word of God, in this world and beyond.

Christian rock tunes, as well as hymns, are available, and a Noah's Ark section features a range of animal noises (including dinosaurs: who apparently were on the ark, but died out soon afterwards)

Punters can pay $3 to have a bible verse read out every time someone calls them, though the readings are somewhat mechanical and are supplied by "Kate" or "John" - Kate appears to be taking some time out from her recent appearances playing Mornington Crescent.

Gold River is far from alone in wanting to cash in on faith-based mobile content but their intention to "...increase its delivery to 220 countries" by October 2007 seems optimistic when the most generous estimates put the total number of countries in the world at 194.

Where the other 26 countries are isn't clear, but with their intention to claim 1 per cent of the world's mobile content revenue Gold River will need to hope that those additional countries are Christian, and well populated.®

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