This article is more than 1 year old

Belgian bj politico reneges on election pledge

Sends Japanese assistant to pleasure voters

NSFW We should have known: Tania Derveaux, the Belgian senate hopeful who offered to blow 40,000 voters as as a "response to incredible claims that were made by other parties in Belgium", has reneged on her election pledge.

A lovely photo of Tania Derveaux

Sadly. those who signed up for this tempting offer in the hope of some oral luuurv didn't get a hot, five-minute date with Derveaux, but rather an email explaining: "We've received more than 100,000 requests and I can't do them all on my own. So I sent my assistant, who is at least as good as I am. Enjoy..."

Bloody typical. We're certain that Belgium's electoral commission will look into this outrage and oblige Derveaux to make good her promise. As for Lin Chong, we reckon she has a great future in the White House, cancer scares notwithstanding. ®


At the time of writing, the English version of the filthy five-minute video had been viewed by just over 200,000 people and the Spanish version by over 10,000. Strangely there doesn't seem to be a version in French, Dutch, Walloon or's almost as though the whole thing was a hoax.

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