This article is more than 1 year old

Events dear boy, events

Event management short cut – we think

Without wishing to be rude about the company, the following could be something or nothing, but as developers and architects start to cover the same ground both parties could well be interested in it.

In what……?

Well, this is a new product announcement that I spotted from a Brisbane, Australia-based company called Event Zero, and the products are two additions that fill out its event monitoring offerings. It may sound tedious stuff, but in the world of managing and maintaining compliance with regulations and legislation - especially when running a large, distributed, service-based infrastructure - events are happening all over the (logical and actual) place, all the time.

Each event – a transaction completed or an application opened for example – can have an impact on the level of compliance achieved. It can also demonstrate if a contracted service has been completed satisfactorily and to time, which can make the difference between a profit margin and a penalty clause payment. And with so much going on in a large, complex environment, proving such issues one way or the other can be important.

This is the target Event Zero is aiming at. It already has two products in this area. Event Occurrence is the logging tool, which claims to be able to capture event details from "everywhere". Sadly, further information is a little thin on the ground on the company's website, with “gathers, identifies, filters, queries, records and analyses information from your databases” being as close to a technical explanation as you can get.

Event Perspective takes this information and analyses it to identify positive and negative compliance issues, displaying these through reports and dashboards of KPIs.

Two new tools have now been added that extend the capabilities upwards and outwards. Upwards is Event Compliance which, as the name implies, take the Perspective tool a stage further to manage complex compliance issues within organisations. The outward extension comes with Event Certify, which is designed provide staff such as line managers with a customized set of policies for their bit of the business, so they can ensure that specified functions, such as contract management, have been completed correctly.

Event Zero will certainly be providing customized version of Certify itself, but one assumes developers and architects will be able to customize the package themselves. The website doesn’t say.

And that is the one trouble, the website says enough to be tantalizing, but not quite enough to sure. But that aside, it certainly looks like a useful shortcut to keeping track of events in a complex world. ®

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