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Migrating EJB 2.1 Entity and Session Beans to EJB 3.0

The nuts and bolts

Table 2. EntityManager Class

EntityManager Method Description
persist Creates an entity bean instance.
createNamedQuery Creates a named query.
find Finds an entity bean instance.
createQuery Creates an EJBQL query.
remove Removes an entity bean instance.

In a session bean client class for EJB 3.0 entity bean, the EntityManager reference is obtained with the @Resource annotation:

private EntityManager em;

An entity bean instance is created with the persist() method of the EntityManager class:

CatalogBean catalogBean=new CatalogBean(catalogId);

An entity bean instance is obtained with the find() method:

CatalogBean catalogBean=(CatalogBean)em.find("CatalogBean", catalogId);

A finder method may be defined corresponding to the named query findByJournal in the entity bean POJO class. In the finder method a Query object is obtained with the createNamedQuery method:

Query query=em.createNamedQuery("findByJournal");

Set the Query object parameters with the setParameter method:

query.setParameter(0, journal);

Obtain a Collection of the CatalogBean with the getResultList() method. If a Query object returns a single result, the getSingleResult() is used:

java.util.Collection catalogBeanCollection=(CatalogBean)query.getResultList();

An entity bean instance is removed with the remove() method of the EntityManager class:

CatalogBean catalogBean;

The client class for the EJB 3.0 entity bean is listed in Listing 9.

Listing 9. CatalogClient. EJB 3.0 Client Class

import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.ejb.Resource;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.Query;

public class CatalogClient implements CatalogLocal {
    private EntityManager em;

    public void create(String catalogId) {
        CatalogBean catalogBean=new CatalogBean(catalogId);

    public CatalogBean findByPrimaryKey(String catalogId) {
        return (CatalogBean)em.find("CatalogBean", catalogId);

    public java.util.Collection findByJournal(String journal) {
        Query query=em.createNamedQuery("findByJournal");
        query.setParameter(0, journal);
        return (CatalogBean)query.getResultList();

    public void remove(CatalogBean catalogBean) {
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