This article is more than 1 year old

Boffin channels god, scares students

Feel the rage!

A physics professor at a Louisiana university has been suspended and is being held for evaluation after allegedly flying into a fit of rage in front of his students.

Louis Houston, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette boffin, apparently let his emotions get the best of him during a Wednesday class. The professor is said to have slapped one student before claiming he was a god.

"Then he told us if we got out of our seats he's gonna kill us," student Kacie Spears told KATC-TV. "He went on the black board and wrote "911 now," so we were really in fear for our lives."

The students patiently waited for class to end and then called campus security about the incident. Houston was later taken to an in-patient treatment facility for a mental health check and suspended by the university. Students have complained about Houston's rants in the past, but the professor passed medical evaluations.

One student has filed charges against Houston, who faces one count of terrorizing and a count of battery. His bond has been set at $50,000.

It should be noted that the University's theme for this year's homecoming is "Feel the Rage!". ®

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