This article is more than 1 year old

M'Soft and Intel scramble into ethical share index

Deemed socially responsible by FTSE. Are they sure?

Microsoft, Intel, Dixons and BT are among the companies that have scrambled their way into a new ethical share index series.

The FTSE4GOOD indices, a joint venture between the Financial Times and the London Stock Exchange, are meant to include socially responsible companies in European, US and worldwide markets.

Companies are blackballed if they are involved in "excluded" industries, such as tobacco, weapons or nuclear power.

Others are judged on three criteria: the environment, human rights, and social issues.

The index series, which aims to raise $1 million for Unicef in its first year, will go live on July 31.

Other firms deemed socially responsible enough to join include AOL, Compaq, Vodafone, Nokia and eBay. A full list of qualifying companies can be found here. ®

Here's some stories that illustrate how some of these companies made it into the FTSE4GOOD:

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