This article is more than 1 year old could face legal action

The charge? Trying to be trendy could face legal action after an urban ad campaign backfired on the trendy fashion house.

The US-based dotcom stuck tiny little stickers all over Camden, in London, following the etailer's relaunch last month.

At the time, Lisa Marsh of told Reg that the etailer had employed an outfit called Diabolical Liberties to run its guerrilla marketing campaign in London.

"We want to take to the streets," she said proudly.

As well as handing out postcards, this high profile "modern urbanist" and streetwise campaign also involved putting's name on just about everything.

While this might be trendy, it has not pleased Camden Borough Council, which fights a constant battle against illegally posted advertising.

According to a spokeswoman there, fly posting is illegal under the Town and Country Act and carries fines of up to £1,000 per offending poster - or in this case, sticker

Camden employs a team of people to remove fly posting. And according to a spokeswoman at Camden,'s stickers are "annoying little things" that are difficult to remove.

"We have suffered badly in Camden," she said, adding that the stickers were "all over the place".

"We're considering taking legal action against them - if we can find an address for in the UK."

Which might be fortunate for - which only appears to have an office in the US. ®

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