This article is more than 1 year old

Dell admits job cuts mean he ‘screwed up’

Tales from the firing line

Michael Dell has admitted that his company's recent job cuts are 'an "admission that we screwed up" by overhiring'.

The quote comes from an article in the latest edition of Time which has a detailed look at the Dell layoffs.

A lot of the staff are unhappy about the way Dell handled the layoffs. The article tells of how officers from the Texas Department of Public Safety appeared at the Dell campus to escort the jobless to their cars, and how staff were encouraged to sign an agreement not to discuss their package or sue Dell, in exchange for up to four extra weeks money.

Time speaks to one senior recruiter, Kathleen Sullivan, who once hired 600 people in five weeks. Her boss gave her the old 'this hurts me more than it hurts you' line as he told her she was history, and even let a tear roll down his cheek.

The ex-employees don't seem to know how they got selected for the axe rather than other workers. Older staff think they got the bullet because they were higher paid.

Apparently Dell is now rehiring people it laid off, but they have to reapply and salaries aren't what they were. ®

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Time article

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