This article is more than 1 year old

Corel logo – it's a squirrel!

Or a hideously empurpled member

Corel in transcendental makeover

Michael Lorrey, a Corel user, writes:

We Corel users were rather perturbed at the rather lame 'restructuring' they underwent. Note that with the logo design, the 'C' formed by the blue squares faces downward, obviously a sign that the designer was using some feng shuei, treating the C like a horse shoe: facing down protects the company from bad luck falling on it, and angling it toward the viewer makes the arms of the C look like a person's arms envoloping the viewer (user, buyer, etc) in a warm secure hug. The R in the company name tries to make the company look racey, sexy.

Andrew Billimore has been staring into the sun again. We warned you about that:

Is it just me, or can you only see a white buck-toothed squirrel in the logo? Of course, it's probably a silver squirrel. The surface reflecting the multitude of images from our world, yet also focusing them to points of ultimate clarity. And then there is the other side. Black, black, black as the night, black I tell you, black, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK. Oh my god, it's full of stars...

And Alastair Penney is also a bit hard on the design:

What struck me about the new Corel logo is it's rather phallic nature. It looks a bit like a side-on view of the end of a penis.

You're not related to the fruitcacke who wrote this week's Flame by any chance?

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