This article is more than 1 year old

Botched migration hits Bulldog users

Broadband down

Bulldog is in the doghouse after leaving customers without broadband access over the last couple of days. The matter appears to have been made worse still after the company bungled a migration of customers onto a new server.

The ISP - which was recently acquired by Cable & Wireless - said one in ten of its customers was involved in the botched migration last night. The ISP declined to say exactly how many customers have been hit.

One reader told us he's been without broadband for five days and has been unable to contact tech support for any help. Another user who has been without Net access all day told us: "I've made at least 20 calls to Bulldog today but I haven't got through once. It's pathetic. It wouldn't be so bad if we knew what was going on. But there's nothing. And this from a company that brags about being the 'Best Consumer Broadband ISP 2004'. Bet they didn't get it for customer service."

Bulldog today apologised for the "performance issues experienced by some customers over the last few days".

In a statement Bulldog said: "The company is aware of these issues and is currently working to resolve them. These issues were caused by the attempted migration to a broadband server with a greater customer capacity. This migration was part of a continuing drive to enlarge the Bulldog network, in response to customer take-up of Bulldog services in recent months.

"Unfortunately, in spite of three weeks of testing of the equipment before the migration, we encountered some problems and some customers were unable to access their accounts for a time. As a result, the migration was terminated and services were re-migrated to the initial server.

"Bulldog apologises to any customers who have experienced service issues or who have had problems contacting us."

Although Bulldog reckons it's got this latest problem licked, a number of punters are still without access. ®

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