This article is more than 1 year old

Watch someone die online!

"Master Magician" tells you when

An American magician claims he will broadcast a person dying online next week.

Self-proclaimed "Master Magician and Paranormalist" Jim Callahan is urging surfers to log onto his site on March 27 to watch the free "Dying Cam" event - part of a freaky Carnival of Wonders series.

No details are available as to who this soon-to-be departed person is, how or where they will die, or why they would want to meet their maker in front of a bunch of gawping strangers. But what is clear is Callahan's motivation - publicity.

"Log on here and watch a person dying live on your computer," his site beckons. "Witness for yourself the most outrageous promotion of a entertainer (sic) ever!"

But not everyone shares Callahan's enthusiasm. Last week the cyber-sorcerer was forced to remove the site's bulletin board when "religious zealots" started repeatedly posting messages on it.

"What they don't realize is that this is just the beginning," Callahan says. "I am making a statement with this presentation. If people don't like it they don't have to log on but they will regret it later. They will be missing an event."

The virtual death will be broadcast as "The Edge Exhibit" on ®

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