This article is more than 1 year old

Brain surgery? Would sir care for a CHOC-ICE with that?

Education is nothing to be scared of, as Adam Ant (almost) said

Hey, teacher: leave us kids alone

Surely the single most important factor restricting the number of IT workers sufficiently educated in emerging digital skills, especially web app development combined with strong mathematical analytical and statistical acumen, is that nobody wants to educate them. All across Europe, education has dwindled from being a systematic process of investment in a nation’s people into a skimpy DIY kit for young individuals prepared to be in debt for the rest of their lives.

Forceps, please... Pic by Arnoldius, licensed under Creative Commons

Making things worse, we live in an era in which stupid people are celebrated and educated people are treated with suspicion. A Dragons’ Den millionaire will tell you that he didn’t need a degree to become successful. What a brilliant observation. I do look forward to the day when this particular tit grows a brain tumour and gets operated on by some fucking ice-cream man.

The way to start solving the European IT skills gap is for Britain to train its citizens in the IT skills it needs. Instead, it just sits around like water companies waiting for it to rain, and hoping they’ll appear like magic.

Talk about a nation of shopkeepers.

Alistair DabbsAlistair Dabbs is a freelance technology tart, juggling IT journalism, editorial training and digital publishing. He apologises for the downbeat nature of this week’s column. This is because he is feeling beaten down – by the combined forces of vacuous IT startup culture and incompetent IT management within established businesses. It’s a lose-lose situation.

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