This article is more than 1 year old

New Doctor Who's new costume newly REVEALED by Beeb

It's official: Bow-ties are NOT COOL, sombre blue clothes with dash of red = COOL

The BBC has taunted bereft Doctor Who fans with the first images of their new Doctor, Peter Capaldi, in costume.

Peter Capaldi in costume as Doctor Who

El Reg won't hazard a guess as to how much Crombie and Doc Marten paid to be mentioned by name in the teaser, but while the new Doctor's dark blue trousers and white shirt are merely mentioned, his new "dark blue Crombie coat with red lining" is name-checked as are his "Dr Marten shoes".

All in all, the look is disappointingly meh, or wait no, sorry, it's slick and stylish and grown-up. (Also, do we know anyone else with an iconic coat that's blue with some red detailing? Yes we do, and so does Moffat.)

Capaldi himself is roped into offering the following soundbite on his new threads:

He's woven the future from the cloth of the past. Simple, stark, and back to basics. No frills, no scarf, no messing, just 100 per cent Rebel Time Lord.

And showrunner Steven Moffat gushed:

New Doctor, new era, and of course new clothes. Monsters of the universe, the vacation is over - Capaldi is suited and booted and coming to get you!

In case the point has somewhat eluded you, Capaldi will be a serious, mature Doctor and not a silly Converse-wearing, bow-tie-sporting mad scientist or a black leather jacket-toting danger man or a cricketer or someone who wears a stripy scarf or… well, you get the picture.

The Beeb started filming series eight of the new run of Doctor Who earlier this month and folks are expecting to see the first episode of the new season some time in the autumn this year. ®

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