This article is more than 1 year old

Final Fantasy XIII

360 vs PS3

Review Final Fantasy XIII is one of the most anticipated releases of the past two or three years. As it dropped through the post box I steeled myself for at least a week lost in a world of futuristic Noh theatre. This feeling was enhanced by the circulating rumours about the epic length of game play, made bearable only by a stunning variety of scenery and enemies.

Final Fantasy XIII

You talkin' to me?

I played this game on my PS3 but I am also going to take a look at how the game behaves on a recently abducted Xbox360. That Microsoft managed to get a release of this long standing PS3 franchise suggests a coup for Bill Gates but if graphics and game play are inferior, this is a revolution with no teeth.

Final Fantasy XIII takes place on Cocoon, a floating landmass that hovers above Gran Pulse. On Cocoon the populace is sheltered from the feared Pulse brainwashed into believing it is some kind of hell. Every so often parts of the population are purged down to Pulse as some kind of punishment. This is where the game starts as a purge is taking place.

The story follows fairly standard JRPG (Japanese role-playing game) conventions. You control Snow, Lightning, Sazh, Hope, Fang, and Vanille. You follow your alter egos’ stories through lengthy cut scenes and 50-plus hours of fights. FF XIII takes these conventions and puts them through an HD kaleidoscope. Even comparing this to God of War III, the graphics are impressive.

From the early cut scenes that pull you in, mesmerizing you with glowing fluorescent blues to the paradise of Grand Pulse, these visuals pack a punch.

Final Fantasy XIII

Sparks were flying

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