This article is more than 1 year old

Get your PHP on the right Trax

Framework flattery

A controller script catalog_controller.php gets created in the controllers directory. View templates _form.phtml, edit.phtml, index.phtml, add.phtml, and show.phtml get created in the views directory.

Modify the _form.phtml view template. Add the following line as the first line in the _form.phtml form:

<p><label for="catalog_id">Id:</label><br/>
<?= text_field("catalog", "id") ?></p>

The default URL for a URL action is http://localhost/controller/action. Custom URLs may also be defined in the config/routes.php file. For example, the add controller action of catalog controller may be invoked by specifying a custom router in the config/routes.php file. With the custom router the url http://localhost/catalog invokes the add action of the catalog controller.

$router->connect( "catalog",array(":controller" => "catalog",":action" => "add") );

Next, we shall use the scaffolding for the catalogs table to add a new catalog entry. Invoke the index controller action with the URL http://localhost/catalog/index. The catalogs listing gets displayed. The Show, Edit, and Delete links are for displaying, editing and deleting a catalog entry respectively. To create a new listing click on the New hyperlink.

In the New catalog view template, create a new catalog entry and click on Create.

A new catalog entry gets added to the database table catalogs and gets listed in the "Listing catalogs".

There you have it - that's how you create a PHP MVC CRUD application without using too much PHP code thanks to the PHP On Trax Framework. You can download code for the project here

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