This article is more than 1 year old

Prime yourself for security on the web

Food for thought on how to approach web security

Web security is an interesting topic. It's the kind of thing we think we know all about yet, when you sit down and consider all the dimensions, it's pretty hard to nail them all in one go.

The trouble is, each time you start, some new threat has emerged and moves the goal posts. It doesn't have to be this way though, as our new primer paper explores. The trick is to keep a level head. Don't get too bogged down in the details of every new threat, and leave the hysterics for, well, something more worthy.

Instead, consider a few principle domains such as malicious content, fraud, confidentiality, and legal exposure. Don't forget softer issues such as erosion of privacy, and productivity. These might not result in a "big bang" incident, but over time they can add considerable overheads to the IT department.

When it comes to managing the risks, simplicity is key to ensuring broad and appropriate coverage: co-ordinate, protect, train, stay up to date. Assume nothing, keep working on the basics and, as Tim Berners-Lee promises, what is coming (on the internet) over the next few years "will blow our minds" but hopefully not your business.

We've got a web security primer right here that helps you nail these issues and, hopefully, will help you make informed infrastructure decisions. ®

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